Romulus and Remus Romans on a Rampage - Jeremy Strong There is a Viking in my Bed - Jeremy Strong Float - Daniel Miyares The Great Kapok Tree - Lynn Cherry The Butterfly Lion - Michael Morpurgo
Focus Texts studied in Year 4We love reading at St Margaret's. We met with our buddies this half term and shared our reading for pleasure books with them. nnWe participated in the 'British Library' 'Cook up your own Fairy Tale'. We explored various fairy stories, compared them, explored the traits of intriguing and powerful characters and sequenced the key events. Using this exploration, we developed our very own fairy stories.
Spring Term 2We identified key features of a news paper report, discussed the purpose of a news paper report and retrieved key information. We questioned key characters in the text and inferred information about their personality using evidence from the text. We also used our comprehension skills in our Topic lessons inferring what we learn about the Vikings from their long ships.
Spring Term 1Linked the book 'Float by Daniel Miyares' we worked hard to recreate a storm soundscape. We inferred the intensity of the storm from images whilst developing powerful vocabulary. We then plotted the intensity of the storm making connections to our experiences of storms. Working as a team we successful created a soundscape of a storm.
We delved into the world of the Romulus and Remus. We sequenced the key events and retrieved and inferred key information about them. All of this helped us to retell the Roman myth and perform a news report summarising the deadly dispute between the two brothers.