NHS Stop smoking services link: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/quit-smoking/nhs-stop-smoking-services-help-you-quit/
Information and support for families: healthy start and brighter futures
St Margaret's is located in a busy part of Horsforth and we encourage children and parents to walk or wheel to and from school as much as they possible can. We promote car sharing and use of public transport for children who travel from further afield in order to reduce traffic congestion and keep roads as safe as possible around our school. In our recent walk of Art project, we thought about sustainable travel and how it impacts our environment.
Shows where Healthy eating is taught across school through the PSHE and Science curriculum
Summer 2024 we are encouraging our children to bring healthy snack and eat more vegetables by participating in Leeds Healthy Schools' campaign.
At St Margaret's we know how important it is to be able to communicate our feelings and have a positive state of mind. Our zones of regulation give us a shared language in order to talk about our feelings and ensure we are feeling happy and ready to learn in school and are able to as for help when we need to. The flipbook gives us ideas for strategies when we are in each of the zones. See the attached powerpoint for a clear explanation of how we use these Zones in our school.
We teach a skills based cookery curriculum which is delivered across school as part of Design and Technology to promote healthy lifestyles and a love of cooking.
cookery in the curriculumWhy not try something a bit different?
A great website for healthy packed lunch ideas as well as recipes for mealtimes. Lots of information about physical activity and mental well being for families. https://www.nhs.uk/change4life
Use this to help you get a healthier more balanced diet.