St Margaret'sC of E Primary School

Curriculum  »  English  »  Phonics  »  Reception

Phonics in EYFS
Children in Reception are taught a whole class phonics session every day following the Success for All programme. The continuous and enhanced provision in the classrooms encourages and motivates our children to practise and apply the skills learnt in their daily phonics sessions. Our key texts that lead our Literacy learning are carefully planned so that children can make links between their ever increasing phonetic knowledge and its application in storybooks and texts.

EYFS Phonics

In Reception we learn to segement spoken words into indiviual sounds. This helps us to spell words. To begin with we use magnetic letters and then progress onto writing the letters.

EYFS Phonics
Practising and Applying in Continuous Provision

Our children practise and apply their phonic knowledge through their own child led learning. Our key text often motivates children to record and write. Here you can see some writing about a dog at the vets. A doctors surgery provided the motivation to record the patient's ailments. We also have a banana challenge in Reception. Children are encouraged to read a word before eating their banana

Practising and Applying in Continuous Provision