Year 5: Golden TempleYear 5 have been looking at the Golden Temple. We then labelled the features and what this represents.
Year 5: Golden Temple.jpeg)
Year 5: MessiahYear 5 have been looking at what they think a Messiah would look like if they came to Earth today.
Year 5: Messiah.jpeg)
Year 5: Prayer matsYear 5 have been looking at how Muslims pray, we then designed our own prayer mats with Islamic patterns in mind.
Year 5: Prayer mats.jpeg)
Year 5: PeaceYear 5 have been looking at peace and how we should represent this. We then created acrostic poems on peace and designed our own peace symbol.
Year 5: Peace.jpeg)
Year 5: Forgiveness postersYear 5 have been looking deeper into the idea of forgiving someone. We created posters at the end of unit to summaries our thoughts.
Year 5: Forgiveness posters.jpeg)
Year 5:DiagramsYear 5 have been looking at humanist and religious views. We then created a diagram to show the differences and similarities.
Year 5:Diagrams.jpeg)
In RE this half-term we are asking the question 'Why are some places and journeys special?'
We will also spend some time looking at Harvest, and why we celebrate it.
Describe how special places and journeys make people feel more ‘religious’.
Discuss how the journeys inspire believers and how they offer reflection on their own lives.
Identify and explain features of some special places and journeys
Suggest reasons why special places and journeys inspire people
Investigate places of pilgrimage and reflect on the challenges involved in the journey
Explore a range of special places and journeys, making connections between them
Reflect on how places of pilgrimage inspire and influence believers and express own ideas about this